donderdag 25 september 2008




(Model: 3x Sanne)

These pictures I made for an assignment I had to make for school.
We had to style the white shirt for three different magazines with the same target group.
I choose the Vice, Code and Blend and photographed my friend Sanne in three different scenes.
When we had to show our work this week, almost everybody in my class came up with shopping pages so I didn't know if the teacher would except my work.
But when I showed my pictures she was very satisfied about it. She told us we had to chose a person who did the best job and I couldn't believe it but I won!
Best of all, my teacher (which I really look up to 'cause she work(ed) for Nike, Levi and so on) agreed I deserved to win!
I was really happy because my dream is to become a (fashion) photographer or a fashion editor. I still now that's really hard but things like this keep me motivated to hopefully reach my goal!

PS. The price was a celebration box..yummy!

17 opmerkingen:

lev_i_mote zei

i love that black jacket!

thanks for the comment :)


Jillian Hobbs zei

very pretty outfit but i love the glasses the most!!!

ashleigh zei

congratulations you deserve to win :) those photos are great. i seriously thought they were vintage professionals.

ashleigh zei

p.s yes i'd love to trade links! :)

Ivelina FriChic zei

Horay on wining :))))))
There are some photos indeed, I am still amazed on the impact that the view of the photographer can have on any fashion assemble. Great work!!!!

Ashleigh zei

the last photo is great....and I love the glasses! Adds a bit of quirkiness to the look

Anoniem zei

The jacket is HOT!

Alice zei

beautiful pictures! :) Glasses are cool!:)

yishyene zei

Oh btw you can use 'Everything Girl' as the name of my link instead of //////// if you think it looks silly! :P

Thanks again!

PS cute jacket!

The Stylish Wanderer zei

What an awesome wall.

the Oracle of Style zei

Fascinating blog! You are so beautiful..

Mimi zei

The peace necklace is awesome.I've been looking for one like this so long but didn't find one so I bought a black peace earing and made a necklace out of it :)

Diana Coronado zei

Fascinating !!


wow even though i didn't see the others i agree that you should win, these look really pro!

Diana Coronado zei

The hit is the jacket

Synnøve zei

I relly like your blog <3

sorin zei

the 'code' is great.